the world is on fire...


Hello my friend! How's it going? I hope you are well.'s 2020. Can you believe it?

I've been doing my best to release all past limiting beliefs and I'm starting to gain momentum in my business. I have a ton of job interviews with amazing companies. The new decade is off to a great start.

But still, my emotions have been heightened, I feel uneasy. There is a sense of doom lingering in the air. The fires in Australia are getting worse daily and tons and tons of animals are dying and people hurting in countless ways.  Does this bother you too or am I over emotional?

I'm trying to stay away from the news, but are we on the brink of war?

The monarchy is in chaos.

Our own country seems so divided. 

Lately I feel as if the whole world is on fire and we are all going to hell. 

Maybe I'm just tired. Endlessly tired. The past years of constant if not consistent tragedy, death after death of people I love, combined with me stepping more and more outside of my comfort zone to build my business and become more community evolved, have finally worn me down.

Despite my best lackluster attempts at being optimistic (new year, new me) I have realized (thanks to a chat with a friend) I am functioning from a place of fear. I am living in an endless loop of made up stories of worse case scenarios. From this fear no creativity can flow and no peace can be found. 

I almost feel to my limit, mentally, spiritually. I'm still not aligned with God, source, the Universe...I'm trying but many questions...I’m working to create my own peace in the midst of so much chaos: working to strengthen my spirit without hardening my heart.

I've come to understand and geez, I hate to describe it this way, since this was the opening sentence in my very first published column all those years ago...

But seriously, “have you ever been on the verge...of either really really breaking down, or really really breaking through?”

I have been here many times before. (Usually before a huge breakthrough.)  And I'm certain this will not be the last time I am here.

Worn down, worn out. Tired. Nervous. Unsure.

But just as I have been here before, I have also always risen, found myself somehow on the other side, braver, stronger, broken but beautifully put back together.

Maybe you have been feeling the same? 

I wanted to remind you that you, too, have always risen. And this time will be no different. I wanted to remind you of all the times you persevered, of the resilience you have built up, that this too shall pass.

I guess most of all I wanted to remind you that you are not alone.

I believe in you.
You can do anything.
You are greatly loved.

Sincerely, Veronica Towns

Ps. I have been gathering tools to help shift my mindset from one of fear and defeat to one of hope and courage. Maybe something here will resonate with you.

  1. Quick practice to shift into a mindset of peace by best selling author, Gabby Bernstein: Gabby Bernstein meditate with a mantra.

  2. Yoga session by the fabulous Texas native, Adriene Mishler: Yoga for healing.

“Many seek protection from all hurting influences by building some wall around themselves. But the canopy over the earth is so high that a wall cannot be built high enough, and the only thing one can do is to live in the midst of all inharmonious influences, to strengthen her will power and to bear all things, yet keeping the fineness of character and a nobleness of manner together with an ever-living heart. To become cold with the coldness of the world is weakness, and to become broken by the hardness of the world is feebleness, but to live in the world and yet to keep above the world is like walking on the water. There are two essential duties for the (wo)man of wisdom and love; that is to keep the love in our nature ever increasing and expanding and to strengthen the will so that the heart may not be easily broken. Balance is ideal in life; man must be fine and yet strong, man must be loving and yet powerful.”

-Hazrat Inayat Khan

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